Dio Akbar


Kuliah Perilaku Konsumen IKK233 ( Consumer Behavior Class)

Prof Dr Ir UJANG  SUMARWAN, MSc (www.sumarwan.staff.ipb.ac.id, www.Ujangsumarwan.blog.mb.ipb.ac.id, sumarwan@mb.ipb.ac.id)
Dr. Ir. Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA
Dr. Ir. Megawati simanjuntak, MS
Ir. Retnaningsih, MS
Ir. Md djamaluddin, MSc

Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia.

Lecture on 5 February 2018        
Consumer and Consumer Behavior
Schiffman and Kanuk (2010) define consumer behavior as follows
'' The term consumer consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs "
There are several reasons why consumer behavior should be studied, first is marketing interest, second is the interests of education and consumer protection, third is for the formulation of public policy and consumer protection law.
Consumer decision process in buying and consuming goods and services consists of several stages, namely the introduction of needs, information search, evaluative alternative, purchasing, and customer satisfaction. The decision process is influenced by three main factors, namely: marketing strategy, individual differences, and environmental factors.
Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  Marketing is a process of how to identify consumer needs and then produce goods or services that consumers need and convince consumers that they need the goods or services, resulting in transactions between producers and consumers. A good understanding of consumer behavior will help marketing managers to do environmental analysis, market research, segmentation, positioning / Differentiation, and marketing mix.
Motivation and Needs
A. The theory of needs according to Maslow's theory is a tiered theory in which maslow posits five human needs based on their importance level ranging from the lowest:
1. Biological needs = survival needs
2. the need for sense of security = the need for protection for the physical man
3. social needs = the need for love from others, a sense of belonging and owned and accepted by the people around him
4. ego needs = the need for achievement so as to achieve higher degrees than others.
5. self-actualization needs = one's need to make himself the best person according to his potential and ability.
B. David McClelland's motivational theory called McClelland's Theory of Needs states that there are three basic needs that motivate a person to behave, namely the need for success, the need for affiliation, and the need for power.
